A Family of Salish & Kootenai Tribally Owned Businesses

Defense Logistics Agency awards logistics procurement contract

S&K Logistics Services was recently awarded a contract to support the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) and the aviation division of DLA to supply aircraft duct assemblies used on various U.S. Air Force aircraft. The DLA is the single largest procurement center within the Department of Defense, styling itself as “the Department of Defense’s largest logistics combat support agency, providing worldwide logistics support in both peacetime and wartime to the military services as well as several civilian agencies and foreign countries.” The agency procures spares for virtually every component of the U.S. Government and our allies.

Dave Rariden, President of S&K Logistics Services, was particularly proud of this win for several reasons. “First, it represents the first prime contract awarded to S&K Logistics Services which is one of the youngest S&K subsidiaries. Second, it represents a first step in developing the DLA as a strategically targeted client as the company grows.”

Dave credited the success in winning this award to the hard efforts of Steve Hartley, Sr. Program Manager, and his procurement team. Dave said Steve and his team have been building a world class procurement team and have already won more than $380,000 in awards. These include supporting the DLA and the PROS IV contract as a Strategic Sourcing Partner.

“S&K Logistics Services has made tremendous strides in our first year,” Dave said, “Thanks to the hard work of our outstanding employees, we are exactly where we expected to be in our development plan.”

Dave is hopeful the company will attain the Small Business Administration’s 8(a) Certification in the coming months and is excited to begin pursuing 8(a) opportunities, both foreign and domestic. The 8(a) program is designed to support small disadvantaged companies in winning government contract work.

S&K Logistics Services will continue to develop the procurement project as well as continuing the course of developing capabilities in technical data sustainment and development, supply chain management, and logistics services. Helping to keep the birds in the sky!

Photo courtesy U.S. Air Force.

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